Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb Amp

Product discontinued

Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb Amp

Product discontinued

Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb Amp Overview

In a bold Fender first, the Tone Master Twin Reverb amplifier uses massive digital processing power to achieve a single remarkable sonic feat: faithfully modeling the circuitry and 85-watt power output of an original Twin tube amp. Using a high-performance 200-watt digital power amp to achieve the headroom and dynamic range of a real vintage Twin tube amp, paired with the pronounced sparkle and clarity of two Jensen® N-12K neodymium speakers and a resonant pine cabinet, the result is tubeless Twin Reverb tone, volume and dynamics virtually indistinguishable from the all-tube original. And with all these features, the Tone Master Twin Reverb is in fact about only half the weight of an all-tube Twin.

Front panel features give guitarists a playing experience identical to the tube version, including Fender’s world-standard reverb and tremolo effects. Additional rear-panel features deliver modern convenience and flexibility—including an output power selector for full power and five attenuated settings, balanced XLR line output with impulse response (IR) cabinet simulations, mute switch for silent stage or recording use, USB port for firmware upgrades, and more.
5 out of 5
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Rated 5.00 out of 5 02/7/2021

It does everything I expected it to do. It sounds, plays and has the dynamics and feel of a valve amp but without the weight. Quality of the build is excellent. I haven't been able to compare it to a Fender Twin reverb as I don't own one or have access to one but for me that's not a problem. Many have written reviews focusing on just how close it is to a valve twin reverb but I'm not sure that adds any value as every twin reverb sounds slightly different anyway. This amp sounds great, and for me provides the pedal platform I need with bags of clean headroom. My valve amps, an original American made Hotrod Deville and a Vox AC15 give me alternative voicing's for studio use should I need them but for gigging the tone master twin wins hands down. The 'extras' on the back panel work really well. I've compared the IR DI to a SM57. I set up a SM57 in front of the speaker grill in the usual position and used the DI output simultaneously and recorded them at the same time. On playback I switched between the two and couldn't tell the difference. The switch that controls the power output (not sure where in the circuit this is) means you can set the amp volume on the sweet spot and then using the power sector control the overall volume so that there is no, or very little, change in the saturation/tone. At the lower wattage settings (1w & 5w) there isn't enough output to give a full sound out of two 12 inch speakers but is fine for low volume practice, 12w it starts to sing and at the 22w and 45w settings it rocks. Haven't needed to use the 85w setting yet..!! Well done Fender and excellent and quick service from GAK. In summary, a great amp.

Ian Housley

Rated 5.00 out of 5 24/7/2020

At last! a fabulous amp that ticks all the boxes AND IS VALVE FREE!! The sound is beautiful played through with both my Les Paul and Strat. And, of course, doesn't need an army of Elephants to transport it! Would definitely recommend.

Bill Duckworth

Rated 5.00 out of 5 19/7/2020

Unbelievably good

Arthur Beardmore

Rated 5.00 out of 5 16/7/2020

Unbelievably fantastic amp. It,s a manageable wight & beautiful sound quality that really does sound as if it is a valve amp.You will be hard pressed to better this amp.

Paul Harris

Rated 5.00 out of 5 22/3/2020

Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb . Exceptionally pleased with the build & fantastic sound quality of the Fender amplifier. It is very lightweight & very easy to pickup & move around. For me , I feel the amp seems to come more alive when playing my Telecasters or Strat. My Les Pauls still sound great , but I don't somehow feel they sound as good. I use Mad Professor pedals ,Deep Blue delay ,Royal Blue Overdrive & Twimble /Simble. Now combined with the Fender Tone Master gives me an ideal matt schofield sound which is the perfect sound for me. D.Watson (Sheffield)

David Watson