How To Podcast & YouTube with GAK!

Ready to start your Podcast or YouTube Channel?

While many people think that podcasting/vlogging is an expensive and complicated hobby, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be. Launching a YouTube channel or Podcast is pretty straightforward, and you won’t need much to get started! In fact, you can start with just a microphone, headphones, recording/editing software and hardware. Chances are you may want to splurge on a few more expensive items, because they can, and will, make life easier, but that’s really all you need to get your channel/podcast on the road to success!

The Podcast & YouTube Setup!

Finding the right Microphone!

Audio is one area that you will not want to cut corners with. Your audience will be able to overlook a few mistakes, but poor audio is generally frowned upon. You’ll want to avoid (as much as possible) the mic that comes built into your computer and instead go for a USB microphone or you could spend a bit more and choose a dedicated XLR microphone for superior quality and better control over the sound.

Find the right Headphones that suit you!

Your headphones don’t have to cost ££££’s, but you will want something that’s up to the job. You’ll need to hear clearly what you and your guests are saying; If you’re conducting interviews, live sessions or reviewing audio, a great pair of headphones is a must!

Studio & Portable Recording!

Whether you are recording in the studio, on the road or in the bedroom you will need an interface or portable recorder to capture everything ready for editing. Here are some of top picks that will make the recording process easier!

Add an Element of Video to your Recordings!

Having a great camera is a must for running a successful Youtube channel, here are some out favorites that also have fantastic in-built microphones to add another level of production value to your videos!

Accessories & Extras!

Now that you have everything you need to get up and running, how about a last few minute extras to round your rig off nicely!

How To Podcast & YouTube with GAK!

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